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Buscamos a la mejor nueva banda de metal con cantante femenina. Si la conoces pincha sobre la foto y sugierenosla
Corsets and clothes for live really CHEAP
Gothikas is a gothic shop where much our favorite singers buy their clothes. The best their prices and the quality. This shop is for artist who need change their clothes very often.
All your favorite singers at our forums
Talk about your favorite bands, share their secrets, pictures, videos,... Everything at our forums
GOTHIKAS: Clothes for live
Corsets: 23 euros or less till 29 euros. Dresses PVC: 25 euros or less,... Our clothes are cheap because we work mostly with artists.Thats why, here you will find the clothes of most of your favorite singes. NOW, we sell their fans and rest of people too.
GOTHIKAS: Clothes for artists and their fans
Gothikas is a gothic shop where much our favorite singers buy their clothes. The best their prices and the quality. This shop is for artist who need change their clothes very often.
jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010
Anette Olzon se retracta sobre su album en solitario
EDENBRIDGE: ¿Quieres ser su nuev@ bajista?
sábado, 20 de febrero de 2010
Diabulus in Musica confirmados en el Dokk'em Open Air
jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010
Kerstin Bischof deja Xandria y es reemplazada momentaniamente por Lisa Middelhauve
Issa – Nueva agrupación noruega de metal melódico
martes, 16 de febrero de 2010
Nuevo album para la banda de Melissa Ferlaak (ex-VISIONS OF ATLANTIS)
lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010
EPICA sufre un accidente de trafico en Canada
domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010
TARJA informa de la grabacion de su nuevo disco
jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010
LADY ANGELLYCA, nuevo proyecto y nuevas fotos
Liesbeth Cordia la nueva Sharon den Adel
viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010
Nuevo video de FLOOR JANSEN de su grabacion de voz
Tarja Turunen & scorpions